Monday, December 10, 2007

Ah, toddlers.

If you haven't figured it out already, I'm mom to a wonderful little girl, who is two-going-on-fifteen. Chloe makes us laugh, but also want to tear our hair out. No different than any other toddler, I'm sure!

Here's a couple from tonight:

1. Chloe wanted something from the fridge. She tried opening it, and then told me:
"It's locked, Mommy"
"It's just closed, it's not locked"
(yes, I have these silly arguments with my kid, it's all good fun, and makes me laugh)
"Okay Chloe, it's locked"
Sigh. This repeated three times before I just gave up, and distracted her with an apple.

2. While getting ready for bed, Chloe told me that Ginger (our cat) calls her Kiki:
"Ginger calls you Kiki?" I repeated.
"Who's Kiki?"

As you can see, Chloe has a thing for putting her socks on her hands. Oh, and checking for toe lint :p

Thursday, November 15, 2007

You'll have to be potty trained first, my dear.

Chloe needed a diaper change, and really didn't want to cooperate. I finally got her to lie down, and got her diaper off, and got out the wipes. She pushed away my hands, and told me:

"Keep your hands to yourself!"

(it's what they say at daycare, if they're hitting or otherwise bothering another kid)

Sigh. If only we didn't have to change her diapers anymore!

Here's Chloe changing Pinky's diaper. The photo is from November 2007.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


As a toddler, Chloe comes up with her fair share of funny statements. For the purposes of this blog, we'll call them chloe-isms!

One of the first chloe-isms I can remember is our trip to Mexico, which was in February, 2007. Chloe was signing about as much as she was speaking, and when she saw an iguana on the beach, she kept signing elephant! We were so impressed, as she used the closest word she could think of to describe the lizard.

Anyway, you'll find lots of chloe-isms on this blog, so enjoy!