Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do you have the time?

Chloe is fascinated by time. She often asks us for the time, but insists that the answer must end in "o'clock", as in "two o'clock, or eight-thirty o'clock".

She also attempts to impose time limits on activities, such as "It will snow in two minutes" or when we tell her it's bedtime, she tells us "Not yet, one more minute!".

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


As she was heading down the hall to her bedroom tonight, I overheard Chloe talking to Ginger (our cat):

"Night night Ginger, I'm going to bed now"

-- I guess Chloe thought Ginger replied, because Chloe then said:

"That's right, bedtime. Goodnight. I love you!"

Does your heart not just melt?

ps. This photo is from March, right after she woke up from a nap.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Finger painting fun

I think these photos say it all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Does it pay minimum wage?

After changing her diaper, I started pulling up Chloe's pants. She pulled away, turned to me, and said:

"That's not your job!"

Well jeez kid, could you give me a job description? I'd love to know what else I've been doing wrong.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

A diaper for Baby

Check out this diaper I made for Chloe's doll!
Click here for all the details.

My little pokey turtle

We knew the weather was going to be nice, so Chloe and I met Sabine and Renée at Queen's Park for a playdate/picnic.

As we walked up the path to the park, I encourage Chloe to run ahead. She turned to me and said:

"I can't Mommy, I'm too slow!"

Hah. Silly girl!

Here's a another photo from the park. These two always crack me up!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Love You

We've been signing with Chloe for almost two years now, and she has a large sign vocabulary. The "I love you" sign is a new one, as it requires more dexterity than Chloe can manage. If we help her shape the fingers, she can hold it, for a few seconds :)

Now whenever we say "I love you", Chloe tries to do the sign, but not very successfully!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Well duh.

Chloe always points out what she sees, and gets quite excited when she sees a bird. One day while driving home from daycare, I asked her what birds eat.

"Bread," she said, stated with certainty.

I pointed out that birds also like to eat worms and bugs.

"No, just bread," she insisted.


A few days later, she was telling Dare something about birds, and I again asked what they eat.


I agreed, and asked her what else they eat.She thought about it for a few seconds, and with a funny look on her face said "More worms?"

This photo is from March. We had made a fort, and she was playing with Brenda. Her hair always gets quite static-y, as you can see.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

All dressed up and no place to go...

Here's Chloe, all dressed up and ready for some dancin'

No, Dare didn't dress her, this is her own doing. Socks on hands is a favourite of Chloe's. The dancing skirt and rainboots are just the gravy :p