I have a few things I want to share, but some require photos, so I'll just give this one for now:
Chloe likes to put us to bed. We lie down on the floor, and she tells us to stay still, and she runs around getting blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, books, and water. Then she sits and reads to us, and sometimes, if we're lucky, she lays down for a snuggle.
We play a game where she tries to leave the room, and we keep stalling:
"I need more water."
"It's too dark."
"I have to go pee."
"I'm not tired."
"I need my baby."
Chloe has an answer for each, and it's exactly the type of thing we say to her when she tries the same technique. "It's okay, you have your water/baby/nightlight. Just go to sleep."
Another new thing is Chloe's concept of time. She will sometimes ask what time it is, just because she has to know. She also thinks she can have anything she wants, if she just waits for "two minutes". One day as we were driving to the store, she saw a playground, and said:
"We can go to the playground in two minutes, okay?
"No," we explained, "we have to go shopping."
"Oh. Okay. We can go to the playground in one minutes then, okay?"
Hah. Negotiating already.
ps. I added a few more photos below.