Thursday, November 19, 2009

Barbara Ann is Gorgeous

The song Barbara Ann (by the Beatles) comes on the stereo.

C: "Oh I LOVE this song. It's gorgeous."
Me: "So you really like this song?"
C: "Yes, it's been my favourite forever. I like to dance to it, and do this with my head." (demonstrating how she grooves to the song by bopping her head to the beat).

She's right, it was her first "favourite" song. I think it started around when she was 9 months old? She used to go nuts when it came on, and (when she could stand) would dance to it over and over and over.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My built-in calendar

Me (looking at my daily schedule for work): "Who books a meeting for Friday at 4pm?"
Chloe (wearing a red plastic fireman's hat): "It's Wednesday today, mister!"
(it was)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

21 Questions to ask your child

November 11, 2009 - 3 years, 10 months, 2 days old.
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
"I love you" (awwww)

2. What makes you happy?
"When you say I love you" (double awww)

3. What makes you sad?
"When someone does something rude to me" (what's rude?) "When you hit someone"

4. What makes you laugh?
"When someone tickles me"

5. How old are you?
"Three and a half"

6. How old is Mommy?
"I don't know" (what do you think) "Five and a half"

7. How old is Daddy?
"I don't know....five and a half?"

8. What is your favorite thing to do?
"Play with the camera"

9. Who is your best friend?

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
"A fireman"

11. What are you really good at?
"Stamp and clean my hands and crafts"

12. What are you not very good at?
"Painting the house" (um, never asked her to do that?)

13. What did you do today?
"Had dinner at a restaurant"

14. What is your favorite food?
"Rice Krispies and cake"

15. What is your favorite song?
"Baby Beluga"

16. What do you want for (holiday or birthday) this year?
"I reeeeally want a wagon that has a cover on top and a ride-in car like Casey has" (our next door neighbour)

17. What is your favorite animal?
"A sheep - I like them a little bit. And giraffes and elephants and lions and zebras"

18. What is love?
"I love you" (what does love mean) "Love is nice"

19. What does mommy/daddy do for work?
"You work on a computer. Daddy has lunch"

20. Where do you live?
"Canada" (where do we live in Canada?) "North Delta"

21. Where is your favorite place to go?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

And close-ups of the pumpkins. Front to back: mine (I painted it first), Brenda's (Chloe painted it first), Dare's (face was a template, then he carved the rest (only shaving the top layer, so the light still shone through)

Chloe's (she drew the face with a Sharpie and Dare cut it out - I love the mouth!), mine (template), and Chloe's (painted, I just poked holes in it, but the candle blew out). You can't see it, but there's also a wee tiny pumpkin that Chloe painted.