Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome to the jungle

(aka Name that Plant)

I'm ready to take on a new obsession: gardening. If you haven't seen it already, we have quite the collection of plants. I don't know 99% of them, so if you do, feel free to let me know! I've numbered each photo.

Yes, I'm embarrassed by the state of the garden. Everything is overgrown. I need to start somewhere, but I really don't know what to do. I'm planning on having a garden party, and it's BYOP (bring your own pruner). Everyone that comes gets a free plant to take home! (I'm not kidding)

1) Just to the left of this photo is a giant rhodo. It is going to be pruned to the ground (not a fan). Then there's this little guy. Some sort of hosta?

2) You can see one of our 1,835 hydrangeas (approximate number). Then there's this bush that has leaves with yellow dots. Yes, I am quite descriptive, aren't I?

3) Another hydrangea
4) And another
5) Then this tall thing that has some flowers
6) More tall things with flowers
7) Pretty flower (see the bee?)
8) Another hydrangea?
9) A view from the side
10) And to the left, a whack of shorter plants
11) To the left, this huge thing
12) Some busy ball of something
13) Okay, one I can get. Some sort of rose
14) White flower balls (I think that's the scientific name)
15) Another hydrangea that hasn't bloomed?

16) Tall fern-like things

17) And a view from the front, with the funky umbrella tree
18) The underside of the funky tree
19) Hydrangeas20) Love the green ones!
And, that's just the FRONT yard. Yikes!

So, if you recognize anything, have any suggestions, tips, warnings, stories, limericks, or haikus, please leave a comment!

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