Monday, July 14, 2008

It's not all sunshine and lollipops

We often joke that Chloe is two going-on-sixteen. She has quite the temper (now from where would she get that?) and is known to stomp down to her room and slam the door. If we try to go in, she yells at us to get out. Yikes.

She's been quite sensitive lately, and cries at the slightest bump, or if someone raises their voice. Of course, she's got a toddler's selective hearing, and thus ignores anything she doesn't want to hear.

While she's only had a few "real" temper tantrums, anytime she seems to be out of control, we try to just sit with her on the couch, and let her work it out. Usually she likes to cuddle in our lap, and calm down that way.

So yeah, while she's an amazing, funny, caring, sweet little girl, she can also be a Tasmanian Devil.

ps. This photo is from June. She was building a tall tower, and got quite upset when it broke in half.

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